Tuesday, December 29, 2009
how come i saw you at ccs one day in the hall and didnt speak cuz i was like oh, its the cool art girl from facebook i friended that i dont knoe and never met. so still now never met. cuz i thought it'd be creepy for you. but this is prolly worse, but hopefully u think awkward is as funny as i do. do you?
i'm a nice lady, my middle name is awkward, and you should just say hi! I'm oblivious to a lot of things, and I have 1,351 friends of FB, so next time u see me, just stop me and say hello. I promise I'll say hi back ^_^
Monday, December 28, 2009
If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?
Ancient Egypt. I feel that time period had a lot to offer as far as spirituality and intelligence. I've always had a vast interest in this era ^_^ hence my ankhs and such :)
What are you most excited about right now?
BEING ON BREAK! I also have high hops for my future and I'm excited about those as well :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
its been a while...so i hope this compensates :)
I’ve always found an interest in walking around Detroit. When I was in high school I walked two miles down Greenfield every day after school. It was not that I couldn’t get a ride home, or that I couldn’t catch the crowded DDOT buses. It was simply that I preferred to walk. These daily saunters served as a small form of meditation. As I strolled down Greenfield, I was greeted by the warm laughter of carefree daycare children in the neighboring playgrounds. On occasion I would walk past a fellow pedestrian, whom in their rush home from work, would offer a slight head nod as a greeting. I walked past several brick houses, houses where young families and grandmothers lived comfortable lives. I knew their lives were comfortable because they had enough time to precisely mow their lawns into perfectly parallel strips of perfectly greened grass. To accompany these lawns were pots or plots of flowers, flowers that were cared for often. I enjoyed the bouquets of yellows, oranges, pinks, and reds. All which had grown amongst one another, creating a warm happy glow. At the end of these walks, I would return to my mother’s house, a place, where I had comfortably resided for 13 years. There would be no fourteenth year.
When I moved away to school, I initially feared that I had lost my only form of meditation. Driving down Woodward towards my new school, one would assume that there was nothing to look at besides broken down buildings, abandoned churches, liquor stores, and a few fast food places. I remember hesitantly beginning my walk with a left turn onto Woodward. That was instantly changed as I passed the Detroit Institute of Arts. The DIA’s familiar green rows of grass and pampered flowers gave me the usual ease and comfort I’d encountered on my walks down Greenfield. I continued my walk past the traffic and Wayne State students. For a short period I felt right at home. My comfort began to shift as I approached a giant church.
The church seemed to be engulfed in its own massive shadow; a darkness which loomed over its passersby. One passerby in particular, whoever they were, decided that they cared not enough to throw away their trash. Instead, he or she had decided it easier to smash their bottle in the middle of the sidewalk, directly in front of the church; the church which had innerved me so easily. This nervousness was, in some mysterious way, was soothed by the spectacle of the smashed vessel. The broken glass glimmered across Detroit’s hot pavement. The little speckles of what was once the possession of some inebriate, shined proudly like priceless jewels; illuminating the darkness of the unpopulated Woodward sanctuary. I was at ease.
As I continued my walk, I ran into an abandoned lot. This building, carelessly boarded up, slumped on the street corner emitting a sense of emptiness. Peering through the entrance created by the wood board and what appeared to be a hole, all I could see was darkness. Directly next to this building was an empty yard. This patch of land was covered in tall, untended stalks of pale yellow and brown grass. It was my surprise to find that, in contrast to what I’d previously thought, the stalks were not desolate. In the thick of this brown grass, grew weeds and wild flowers. In the midst of this mass of dry, harsh brown bush stood the alluring grace of soft purple petals. Bees danced amongst the violaceous magic. The sound of the blossoms seemed to whisper a soft laugh amidst the tickle of a warm Detroit summer breeze. Again I was at ease but more over, I was inspired; inspired by the ability of those flowers to grow in such a place. Flowers which, unlike those surrounding the houses on Greenfield, were not cared for by little old ladies nor were they aided by the gentle trickle of streams from watering cans. No, these flowers had persevered amongst the harshness of their environment. In their bravery, I found beauty; a beauty I had not seen elsewhere. As I continued my walk down Woodward, I ran across more abandonment and in this abandonment I found more beauty; more new reasons to smile. Then something profound occurred, it smiled back.
The man reeked of what could have been eight years of urine, blood, sweat, saliva and tears. His clothes all appeared brown, although at one point his shirt may have been red, his shoes may have been white, and his pants may have been black. His greasy brown skin had obviously been through more than mine, as it had many scars and cracks. His nails were crooked, dirty, and black, as if he’d scratch the film off of a freshly laid bed of tar. In every crease of his rough palms, which gently swayed at his sides, I could see old settled layers of dirt. The man’s body had obviously not been cared for in a long time. But that speaks nothing about his spirit, which despite his appearance, was noticeably lighter. Undeterred by the bitterness of his story and the apparent neglect in his life, this man parted his large dark swollen lips, and smiled. Though his teeth were crooked, stained, and void of any whiteness, the sight was enlightening. This man (whose appearance was the epitome of desolation, loss, and abandonment) had enough of something in him which had allowed him to smile. I returned the smile but felt that my gesture was nothing compared to what he had shared with me.
What that man had shared with me was the same thing that was given to me by the purple flowers. What was given to me was a sense hope. Hope is not something that exists amongst rows of perfectly mowed grass. It doesn’t exist when life is going “the way it should”. No, hope is a brave and rare form of beauty. Hope exists in the glimpse of light reflected from a piece of broken glass, a gem, that shines against the darkness of an empty church and reminds you that happiness is temporary but so is adversity. What a gem he is missing, him who hasn’t walked this path.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Things I read today
What does that mean?!
*all information obtained from www.crystalinks.com*
The Ankh is defined as: The symbolic representation of both Physical and Eternal life. It is known as the original cross, which is a powerful symbol that was first created by Africans in Ancient Egypt.
The Ankh is commonly known to mean 'life' in the language of Ancient Kemet (land of the Blacks) renamed Egypt by the Greeks. It is also a symbol for the power to give and sustain life, the Ankh is typically associated with material things such as water (which was believed by Egyptians to regenerate life), air, sun, as well as with the Gods, who are frequently pictured carrying an Ankh.
Egyptian gods carried the ankh by the loop, or held one in each hand crossed over their breast. Latinists interpreted the symbol as a crux ansata, "cross with a handle".
Over time, the ankh has come to symbolize life and immortality, the universe, power and life-giving air and water. Its keylike shape has also encouraged the belief it could unlock the gates of death, and it is viewed this way by the modern Rosicrucians and other hermetic orders. The Coptic Christians have used it as a symbol of life after death.
The ankh appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art; it often appears at the fingertips of a god or goddess in images that represent the deities of the afterlife conferring the gift of life on the dead person's mummy. The ankh symbol was often carried by Egyptians as an amulet, either alone, or in connection with two other hieroglyphs that mean "strength" and "health." Mirrors were often made in the shape of an ankh. Sometimes, in art, the Ankh was shown being touched by a god onto a person, which usually symbolized conception.
Hermeticism is an Egyptian belief system whose beliefs may explain many of the Ankh's meanings. It is unclear whether their beliefs created the ankh or added many meanings, or remain a coincidence.
If the concept of the ankh suggesting the joining of the masculine and feminine is correct, with the top opened up to look similar to [the omega sign] representing the feminine (genitals) and the bottom shaft being a phallic symbol, then the rest may follow. If God is both male and female, the ankh is a symbol of hermaphroditism and can be representing God. It also can be representing reproduction as both genitalia are pictured.
*all information obtained from www.crystalinks.com*
Super Sweet Livin
Handbook for A GREAT 2009
-Drink plenty of water.
-Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
-Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
-Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
-Make time to pray.
-Play more games.
-Read more books than you did in 2008.
-Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
-Sleep for 7 hours.
-Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.
Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
-Don't have negative thoughts on things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
-Don't overdo. Keep your limits.
-Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
-Don't waste your precious energy on
-Dream more while you are awake.
-Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
- Forget issues of the past.. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
-Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
-Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
-No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
-Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
-Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
- Smile and laugh more.
- You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
-Call your family often.
-Each day give something good to others.
-Forgive everyone for everything.
-Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
-Try to make at least three people smile each day.
-What other people think of you is none of your business.
-Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. Stay in touch.
-Do the right thing!
-Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
-GOD and time heals everything.
- However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
-No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
-The best is yet to come.
-When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
-Your Inner most is always happy.. So, be happy.
If you enjoyed this....pass it on!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Dope thoughts
The disciples were absorbed in a discussion of Lao-tzu's dictum:
"Those who know, do not say;
Those who say, do not know."
When the master entered,
they asked him what the words meant.
Said the master, "Which of you knows the fragrance of a rose?"
All of them indicated that they knew.
Then he said, "Put it into words."
All of them were silent.
from One Minute Wisdom by Anthony DeMello
disciples-"Help us to find God."
reply-"No one can help you there."
disciples-"Why not?"
reply-"For the same reason that
no one can help the fish
to find the ocean."
-From One Minute Wisdom
what do you think?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thoughts on Diversity
To get rid of our adversity
to understand diversity
we must see the universe of 'we'
instead of you versus me
because inadvertently
or through teachings of the Divine's university
you and I are family
Similarities are divine
and differences are too
so though I see God in me
I still see God in you
-Brandi Keeler
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A cool new site
Today I read a new quote on one of my new favorite sites and I really enjoy it:
"Three things tell a man: his eyes, his friends and his favorite quotes." -Quotes Daddy
I can't agree more. I believe people are somewhat "undefinable" because you essentially are what you are and aren't all at the same time....BUT you can get a pretty good estimate of a person by looking at who they surround themselves with and what they believe in. And everyone knows that eyes are the windows to the soul. But that's another blog for another day.
I'll leave you guys with the link to the site: www.quotesdaddy.com
I thought the site name was funny, because I call the people who write my favorite quotes my "dead baby daddies"
But yea...check it out...
Much Love Fam! ~Golden~
Monday, July 13, 2009
Its been a minute...
Hey guys. So, I've recently been super busy with this summer Camp that I mentor for at CCS. I'm responsible for 6 lovely young female artists. The camp is full of well behaved/mature teens this year, so that's always good. Despite their good behavior, its still hard work. I've been super pooped running around doing pranks, teacher assisting, activities, freelance work, and such. This is why I have been kind of out of touch and hard to reach. But I've adjusted, so back to your regularly scheduled Brandi :) So this blog will be about freakin awesome people!
My fellow mentors at camp this year are SUPER awesome! They are wonderful people with great personalities and AWESOME senses of humor. I've laughed harder in the past week than I have in the past freakin year. Geezus! I love those guys. In fact, I am constantly finding that I am surrounded by awesome people. I can tell that I've been blessed to meet some of the best humans on this planet!
Speaking of which, I met some new fantastic music artists about two weeks ago. I went to the Old Miami with My best friend/sister, Kirby, and our super fantabulous rap/rock/freakin awesome musician friend, Beanz. We also saw our good friends Khary and Saron from their rap group Detroit Cydi (they are the bomb like TICK TICK! lol)
While at the show, I met/heard Sunclef + LEO37, Tanika Charles, and a duo who refer to themselves as Magnolius. These artists (and Beans) rocked everyone's socks off at the Old Miami (which by the way is an AWESOME spot).
Tanika is a soul singer with an awesome voice! She was a little lady, but her voice was HUGE and she had the attitude to match. LEO37 + Sunclef did some awesome callabo work. I have two of their songs currently on my 'good vibes' and my 'lazyday chylln' itunes playlists. They make the kind of music that makes you feel good on the inside....The kind that makes everyone in the venue become instant friends because they feel the good vibes of the music in the people around them. good shyt. And Magnolious....whew!....not only do they have awesome azz content (lyrics), appearance, and musical style, but they fukkin ROCK when it comes to performing! I head banged so hard that I got a headache. They had a good range of songs too. They started off fast and slowed it down. All the performers were definite 'must-see-agains' on my list! And after all the performers went on, I got a chance to talk with all of em. They had killer personalities. Matt (Sunclef) was super kool...and hes a graphic designer! And I discovered that Tanika is on of my Sagittarian sisters..... The evening was wonderful....I hope Kirby gets all of them on her radio show! It'd be awesome.
So that's basically it...I've been surrounded by awesome people. It feels good. ^_^
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A positive message, with love, from Brandi...
I value you.
I pray the best for you.
I hope everything great in your life multiplies.
All the health that you have,
All the wealth that you have,
All the love that you have, multiplies.
All that I have for you are positive thoughts.
Have the same thoughts for yourself.
Be thankful for what you have; and know that all the positive aspects you wish into your life, will come into your life.
Whether you believe in God, a spirit, faith, fate, or whatever.....may that force allow into your life, all the positive things you need/want.
For those of you who wish for self confidence, start with all the things about yourself you already love.
For those of you who wish for money for a certain cause, think of that cause, and know that the funds will come.
For those of you who wish for understanding, know that you will understand when you open yourself to understanding.
Im sending this positive vibe towards you, in hopes that you will pass it to others.....
Saturday, June 20, 2009
a poem
She dances in one swift move across the purple-blue thoughts of Detroit Twilight
hair wild
back arched
legs spread
each perfectly painted, climax-colored toenail, pointed.
she grasps at the heavens as she thrashes
against his force
He hums
a cacopheuphonic surge of audible ardor
a rolling mellow moan, elusive to male trachea
his divine violaceous force
stirring neighbors from their slumber
to gaze from distant windows
i gaze
watching as, against his rhythms,
she laughs
clawing at the fleshy 'S' of his back
creating the shape of God's spine with all ten lunula
ripping open universes
etching an exotic abyss
into which they both begin to
infinity becomes
as stars begin to
a molten passion
onto the shared humidity
forming cool drips of familiar
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Facebook PooP
1. My ex is...
a very creative person. He's proof that there is more than meets the eye.
2. I should learn to...
know the difference between accepting the things I cannot change and when to have the courage to change the things I can.
3. I love...
4. People would say that I am...
5. I don't understand...
why people try to understand things that aren't understandable. Everything doesn't need an answer, ya know.
6. When I wake up in the morning...
I say thank you. Then talk to a loved one on the phone. This morning it was my mom :)
7. I lost...
the things that needed to be lost so I could gain the things I have gained.
8. Life is...
weird. -Eli Lunik
9. My past taught me...
why the present is such a gift.
10. I get annoyed when...
I lose my grace. Then I realize that i can "un-annoy" myself without demanding change in my surroundings. Then I proceed to accept the things that I cannot change. ~Grace~
11. Parties are...
better when people are conscious of the fun they're having.
12. I wish...
every time that I wished, I'd say thank you instead.
13. Dogs and cats...
are confusing matters to me. I would LOVE a pet, but I would want it to be free at the same time. I don't like the idea of "owning" an animal, but I do enjoy the thought of be-friending one. Silly Silly Brandi's. lol
14. My childhood pets...
died. LOL!
15. Tomorrow is...
not promised. And that's why today always rocks!
16. I have a low tolerance for...
people under the influence of alcohol. I'm sorry, but you made a conscious effort to drink, so I have no sympathy for the actions you make thereafter......boo hoo, mickey mouse clube bee boo bee boo [lmao @ jnorm]
17. If I had a million dollars...
I would pay off all my school fees, loans, and debts. Buy a car and learn to drive. Buy my mom a nice house. Buy my grandparents whatever they needed. Take my great grandmother out of that hell hole they call a nursing home. Give Brandon some cash. Start a small colllege fund for my little sister Jasmin. Buy some 3 pair of pants and 3 pairs of shoes. And take Larry [a very cool homeless guy i met last week] out to lunch. And save whatever may be left for a rainy day.
18. I'm terrified of...
I'm not really terrified of anything.
19. I've come to realize...
"Imperfection is the only perfect thing, just as the only constant thing is change." - Brandi Keeler
20. I am listening to...
kirby's radio show/ Detroit CYDI
21. I talk...
too much sometimes. lol
22. My best friend...
I have two. They are both my Heaven Sent Sisters. <3
23. My first kiss...
was with a guy with hair longer than most girls'. And I enjoyed that. lol
24. Love is...
a noun AND a verb. -grandma Florine
It is something so simple that it makes people confused
25. Marriage is...
not natural, but seems necessary for survival.
26. Somewhere, someone is thinking...
about you! So smile sweetie.
27. I'll always be...
me. duh. LOL!
28. The last time I really cried was...
When someone I loved thought that I didn't care about them.
29. My cell phone is...
currently showing a picture of my face which I enjoy staring at.
30. Before I go to bed...
I say thank you.
31. My middle name...
is average. lol
32. Right now, I am thinking...
that a boyfriend would be a great addition to this wonderful life. I share myself mentally and spiritually with my loved ones. How ever I'd like to have someone to share the triple play with. Anyone wanna swap thoughts, emotions, and kisses? ^_^
33. Today I...
am happy.
34. Tomorrow I will be...
here when it gets here.
35. I really want to...
meet my husband. Hes out there doing his thing, but we haven't met yet.
36. The person(s) most likely to re-post this is...
a person who is either
a. are bored
b. finds themself to be so interesting that they want people to read about him/her
37. The person(s) least likely to re-post this is...
a. someone who doesn't like people to know all their info
b. who feels this note is insignificant
38. My relationship with my grandparents...
has been improving recently :)
39. My most treasured possession is...
my writings.
40. My favorite pictures...
are usually of me being sexy or goofy, so pretty much all of em [stolen from aaron]
41. I sing...
to people i love or people im attracted to...eventhough i have a horrible singing voice. Its my way of saying "I'm comfortable around you".
42. If I was a crayon...
I'd be green.
43. Someday I want to travel to...
44. I am wearing...
A shirt my brother bought me ^_^
45. My favorite class...
hmmmmmm its between marketing and my digital cinema class
46. My favorite language is...
the language of love [the kind spoken with smiles, tugs, moans and sighs]....just being honest.
47. It hurts...
to see someone you love when they're hurting.
49. My profile picture is...
constantly changing lol
50. I need to...
get a magical genie to get me groceries and clothes...^_^ lol
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Astrology Rocks
and here's an interesting read: http://www.novareinna.com/constellation/bible.html
hope you enjoy ^_^
Monday, June 15, 2009
Granparents Rock!
Just today, I talked to my mother's mother and her father. I enjoy them very much. But sadly, before today, I had never called them just to talk. Of course we have had plenty of conversations in person, but there haven't been many times where i sought out interaction with them. I can't think of any reason why thought. I just assumed that they loved me the way that I loved them. Which today was confirmed by my grandmother, but nevertheless, it is always good to SHOW someone you love them (and that you're thinking about them), even if they know its true. Me and my grandmother (grandma Florine) had the most AWESOME conversation about love today. She is such a wise and beautiful lady. We talked about love, friendship, and God. She shared with me some great little poems that I'd like to share with YOU :)
Who has seen the wind?
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling
The wind is passing thro'
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when the trees bow down their heads
The wind is passing by.
_____________________Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test -
Time and change - are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
For 'mid old friends, tried and true,
Once more we our youth renew.
But old friends, alas! may die,
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast-
New is good, but old is best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
-Joseph Parry
Part of our discussion was about love. Whether it was a sacrifice or not. We concluded that love is not meant for you to exhaust yourself and sacrifice ALL that you have, just for another person. However you can't love a person without some form of sacrifice. You must SHOW your love for another person, or they may not understand or even know how much you love them. That is when my grandmother sent me the poem about the wind. It is the perfect metaphor for why it is important to show someone how you feel. In addition to that, my grandmother dropped some words of wisdom without trying to be "quotey" and the words were profound to me. She said:
" Love is a noun AND a verb."- Florine Calhoun
Those were the perfect words for the question that had been scratching my brain recently. It remedied why some of my past friends and relationship partners may have felt that I lacked love for them. I used to suck at showing emotions and moreover love. But now I have some new words of wisdom, that I'm sure will help me in any instance where love is required.Today I also discovered that my grandmother is just as "quotey" as me [if not more]. I look forward to future exchanges with her. When i was younger I remember always saying, "I want to be just like grandma Florine when I grow up. She's so graceful." I always used to brag about how smart and pretty she was and how I loved talking to her. Today she told me that she enjoys talking to ME and looks forward to our conversations. It made my heart smile really hard. :)
Duhisms LoL
I'm going to post some of my favorite duhisms:
Vegetarians die healthier.
I believe in reincarnation. May as well; you only live once.
You are a totally unique, one-of-a-kind individual, just like everybody else.
Looking for the meaning of life is like looking for the square root of purple.
The traveler sees what is there to see, while the tourist worries about somewhere to pee.
Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Pretend to be yourself instead
Visualize visualization working.
You can have everything you want, as long as you give up the limiting belief that "armed robber" would look bad on your resume.
Before you speak ill of another, look in the mirror… and make sure they're not standing behind you before you do it!I don't believe in astrology. But that's typical for a Libra.
Salt. Sour. Sweet. Bitter. The Master has no preference. That's why he was fired from the restaurant.
If you do not try, you cannot fail. Plus, you have the added bonus of the story about what you could have done had you tried.
Whether you think you can, or think you cannot… you're just thinking… and way too much.
What would you do today if you knew, absolutely, 100%, that you couldn't succeed?
Why do we think money can make us happy, when all the guys ON the money look so depressed?
Solipsism isn't for everyone.
I have a severe gluten intolerance intolerance. Just have a bagel already!All great ideas start in the imagination. So do the stupid, crappy ones.
Free will may be nothing more than an illusion. So, yes, I'd like to see the dessert menu.
a. Albert Einstein
b. Mark Twain
c. C.S. Lewis
baby daddy C gave me some words of wisdom today which I feel relate to my last blog posting. In actuality I believe this quote describes my religious belief at best.
My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust? If the whole show was bad and senseless from A to Z, so to speak, why did I, who was supposed to be part of the show, find myself in such violent reaction against it? A man feels wet when he falls into water, because man is not a water animal: a fish would not feel wet. Of course, I could have given up my idea of justice by saying that it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too--for the argument depended on saying that the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my private fancies. Thus in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist--in other words, that the whole of reality was senseless--I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality--namely my idea of justice--was full of sense. Consequently atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.--C.S. Lewis
Can't you see why he's my baby daddy?! Thats a sexy quote! lol
Tis all for now!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
YAY BLOGS....somewhere to release my excitement
*Foreword: This note is typed with the assumption that the dictionary definitions of the chosen words are correct. I personally do not believe that words/dictionaries are concrete. I believe they are abstract. I do not believe in absolutes (not even the one i just typed lmao) This note was simply typed for brain fun. My thoughts, beliefs and opinions are subject to change.*
[flaw- n. a mark, fault, or other imperfection that mars a substance or object]
I've been thinking a lot lately about 'flaws'. Whether they are things to be corrected or not. Or if any human can even define what a 'flaw' is? Are 'flaws' simply created in our minds by our inclination to judge and define everything? And if so does that mean that in reality 'flaws' are non-existent? I am starting to believe that flaws and perfections are the same thing. They are both non-existent and existent at the same time...
I believe God is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. I believe, that God has the capacity to do ALL things, because God IS ALL things. Is there anything, anyone or anywhere that is void of God? I would doubt so if God is omnipresent, which I believe God is.
A flaw is a thing that lessens the quality of something else. God is the ultimate quality because there is nothing exceeding or extending past God. To say that any one part of God's creation is flawed, in my opinion, would be to say that there is something flawed with a PORTION of God. This, to me, IS thinkable and logical. This is because no single object, aside from God in its entirety, is perfect. Or is it?
[perfect- n. having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.]
To say that something is perfect, it to say that it has all the things desired of it.
My question is: Desired by whom?!? Desired by another person, or desired by God?
As far as I am concerned, I believe it is impossible for a human to even be AWARE of all the "elements, qualities, or characteristics" that can even be required and/or desired. Humans are NOT omniscient. Or atleast I haven't met any that are, lol. This being said, I believe God is be the only entity capable of:
a. knowing ALL the elements, qualities, or characteristics that can possibly be desired or required
b. desire or require these elements, qualities, or characteristics
From that thought, I would question: Does God desire/require?
[desire- v. to strongly wish for or want (something)]
[require- v. to need for a particular purpose; depend on for success or survival]
I believe God is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. In other words, I believe God lacks NOTHING. With that belief, I question what could God possibly desire, want or wish for, or require that God does not already have? God is omniscient, meaning God knows everything. Even the future. So if God had a desired outcome, why would God go against its own desire or requirements? Is it possible that God could go against itself? If God is omnipotent, which I believe is true, then the answer to the previous question is yes. God could go against itself.
But would God do that?
I don't know. :)
God works in mysterious ways.
Related and Concluding thoughts:
"Imperfection is the only perfect thing, just as the only constant thing is change."- Brandi Keeler
"If God seems to be in no hurry to make the problem of evil go away, maybe we shouldn't be, either. Maybe our compulsion to wash God's hands for him is a service he doesn't appreciate. Maybe – all theodicies and nearly all theologians to the contrary -- evil is where we meet God. Maybe he isn't bothered by showing up dirty for his dates with creation. Maybe -- just maybe -- if we ever solved the problem, we'd have talked ourselves out of a lover". --Robert Farrar Capon
The knowledge of God is very far from the love of Him. --Blaise Pascal
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
True friendship
Think about it. Many things, that are worth it in life, are worth working for. Great athletes endure great pain and many hours of training. If a sport is EASY, then their is no real accomplishment in winning it. Lol that's why no one knows the world champion for putt putt golf player, but everyone can recognize Tiger Woods. The same goes for my friendships (this includes relationships with my family). I am proud of them. They are the TRUE accomplishments of my life. They are what I cherish above all.
Shyt, they're so great, I can't stop writing about them! lol
quotes that describe my friends/friendships:
The better part of one's life consists of his friendships.- Abraham Lincoln
The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which it is pouring forth its affections to a few esteemed characters. --Thomas JeffersonI'd rather have two good friends, than 500,000 admirers.-- E.E. Cummings
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person! Having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out just as they are, chaff and grain together. Certain that a faithful hand will take them and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.-- George Eliot
Don't flatter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your intimates. The nearer you come into relation with a person, the more necessary do tact and courtesy become. --Oliver Wendell Holmes
Perhaps the most delightful friendships are those in which there is much agreement, much disputation, and yet more personal liking. --George Eliot
Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannogt congeal in winter.--James Fenimore Cooper
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. --Proverbs 17:17
Impart as much as you can of your spiritual being to those who are on the road with you, and accept as something precious what comes back to you from them. --Albert Schweitzer
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. --Albert Schweitzer
When friends stop being frank and useful to each other, the whole world loses some of its radiance.--Anatole Broyard
A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud.-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
We love those who can lead us to a place we will never reach without them.--Norman Mailer
The friendships that last are those wherein each friend respects the other's dignity to the point of not really wanting anything from him.--Cyril Connolly
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Roaming the Gem
warning: excuse my horrible abuse of grammar. I'll probably switch back and forth between present and past tense, but its all from Tuesday lol
An Awesome Tuesday
So my adventure starts as a simple walk downtown. It was a sunny day, and I refused to stay cooped up in my apartment. I start my walk on Woodward. [my fave street in Detroit lol] I'm almost at Hockeytown when my mother calls and says, "Hey little girl with the hat and book bag". CREEPY! Turns out, my mother was driving past with a friend whom she was out to lunch with, and saw me walking. They scoop me up. Her friend was playing one of my favorite songs, 'Mr.Wendell', which ironically I was listening to on my MP3 before I got in the car... [MESSAGE!...read on....lol]
As I jam out to the song, my mom offers me some candy and we continue our ride. Her friend drops my mom and me off at the Millendar Center. In the Millendar Center, I run into a couple of my mom's co-workers/friends....My 'uncle' Myron was celebrating his 50th birthday so I hugged the crapload outta him and continued to my destination: The Public Service Credit Union.
I had a kiddy account opened there when I was 8 years old, and I decided that I would make it official and start using the account. I was ASTOUNDED by the balance, and super glad that I was no longer broke. Lets just say, now I have enough money to pay for this new expensive azz meal plan for next school year. So with that business done, I decided to go explore my city.
I walk out the Millendar Center into the bright sunny Detroit air. I love downtown. Its beautiful. I said "hi" to the Spirit of Detroit. Beforehand, I didn't too much like that they cleaned him up and took away any signs of aging. Somehow, today my opinion was changed. The golden globe in his left hand and the family in his right seemed to gleam a certain light of hope for the city. It is almost as if the gentle giant really did symbolize Marshall Fredricks' initial intention. It was a reassurance that made the rest of the journey even better. I couldn't help but to smile at everyone.
I walk down Woodward then I hoppe over to Grand River to visit one of my fave spots, DSE @ Grand. My boy James is definitely holdin' the 'D' down with his shop. James and I chatted about the J Dilla/Charles Hamilton fiasco, Identical Variant, upcoming Detroit events, and his upcoming summer shoot. I ran into some younger Renni alum, and we exchanged hugs and greetings. I bought two SWEET azz shirts and then continued my journey. Right next door to DSE there is a cute boutique called Sovereign Soles. It seems to be a sister store to Sole Sisters on Canfield. I went in and looked. The owner has some HOT stuff...Its a definite place to check out. I left and my tummy started to grumble.
I was going to visit 'Good Girls Go to Paris Crepes' [aka 'the crepe lady'], but I thought about my girl, Crystal, over at 1515 Broadway and decided to visit her instead. I was just there the previous Saturday for a schweet azz event that James was throwing....It is crazy how different a place can look from the daytime to the night time. That place is phenomenal and has the capacity to really transform itself. Anywho, Crystal wasn't there so I supported the venue and just bought a bottle of water.
My mother calls and offers me a ride back to my place. So I walk all the way back down to the Municipal Center and me and her ride back towards midtown. We have a nice chat. I asked her to drop me off at the Spiral Collective instead [I wasn't quite ready to go home]. I kissed my mother goodbye and headed into the venue. Let me tell you: The Spiral Collective has one of the best vibes. Its such a peaceful place. Its almost like walking into a tranquility garden. It has a book store [the Source Bookstore], an art gallery [the Dell Prior Gallery] and a very soulful little shop [Tulani Rose]. I love it! I'm greeted by Sharon Pryor, owner of Tulani Rose. She told me that she reads my quotes and messages on Facebook. She told me that I have a beautiful spirit [blush]. I was speechless and i couldn't help but to blush and thank her several times. We chatted about some of her awesome merchandise and upcoming events [which I will blog about soon]. After that, I purchased these FABULOUS earrings made by a local Detroit sister [whose name escapes me now]. I also purchased a really beautiful set of notepads for one of my sisterfriends.
*I bought the pretty blue pair*
As I was leaving the shop I get into a short phone convo with Ifoma, a local photographer, artist, fashion designer, lover of all things Africa and positive male spirit. I tell him I'm near his gallery [across the street from the Spiral Collective] and I express my extreme hunger. He replies that he's away, but he suggests that I try having lunch at Goodwells. I'd never been to Goodwells before. It is RIGHT next to The Spiral Collective and Flows. I went in and was amazed! It was a natural food market right down the street from me! They sold organic/vegan friendly fruits, veggies, 'meats', dairy, snacks, etc. It was awesome!
I told Ifoma that I'd try the food at their deli, so I went to the counter to order. They had NOTHING with meat! I was temporarily devastated. I figured I'd order the pocket sandwich, which Ifoma gave much praise. I bought a bag of kettle chips and went outside to try eating this meatless sandwich. The sandwich was made with tofu, bean sprouts, spinach, romaine lettuce, tomato, special sauce and then the slice of cheese i paid extra for, all wrapped in [what I'm sure was organic] pita bread. I took a bite and I was AMAZED! The sandwich was truly scrumptious. I didn't know a sandwich could taste good without meat. So as I happily munched away.
As I munched, a homeless man sat at the table right in front of me. He was a happy fellow. He looked up, smiled, then greeted me. I was quite surprised he didn't ask for money. I returned the hello and smile. I continued to munch and he pulled out a slice of pizza. We both munched and looked at the birds. As we looked, the sister who made my fabulous earrings pulled up and got out to go to Goodwells. I told her I just purchased a pair and thanked her for her craft. She went into the store and I continued to munch.
I started to feed some of my pita bread to the birds near me.....then the homeless guy starts talking about the birds. In a somewhat poetic type of tone. It was obvious he wasn't a crack head or a crazy person. As I continued to munch and share my bread with the birds, the man told me that he used to come to Avalon Bakery [right next door to Goodwells], back when he wasn't homeless, and he'd always buy an entire loaf to feed the birds. He mentioned that that was before he became homeless. I decided to politely ask him how he became homeless. He replied, "For political reasons." He took a bite of his Pizza, then decided to expand on why the reasons were "political". He explained that he used to be a radio talkshow host. He explained that his talk show was a christian based show, and a lot of his messages he claimed were prophecy and straight from God. He said some of the things that he said on the show weren't very liked by the government and their "secret service agents". He claimed that him and his colleagues (2 others on the talk show)...were fired for [hand gestured quotation marks] "budget cut reasons". He then explained that mysteriously every other place he applied for work at, turned him down. I partially believed him because he had a very well-versed way of speaking and an above average vocabulary. He was very good with English. Then we talked about his 8year old daughter. It was a nice conversation. I enjoyed his company.
I gave him the rest of my chips and a golden dollar coin. He was shocked. He said, in the most heartfelt way, that what I done was special, and that most people wouldn't do that. I told him, in the most heartfelt way, that there are tons of good people that are still in the world. I told him, with confidence, that I knew plenty of people who would share their chips with him.
He smiled and told me his name was Larry. I smiled back and told him my name. I liked Larry. Me and Larry talked more about the birds as we finished off our lunch. As I tossed the last corner of pita bread on the ground, I saw an odd sight. It was the first time in my life i saw a white and gold pigeon....it was like SUPER pretty. It could have been a dove, but I wasn't sure at the time. Larry explained that she was the wife of one of the male pigeons and he knew them back when they were just "dating". I got a good chuckle from the idea of dating birds. I thanked Larry for the awesome conversation and told him I'd look forward to the next one.
After leaving Goodwells, I walked back to campus with an aura of bliss. My day had been perfect. An adventure full of positive people, good food, great purchases, good spirits, and even pretty pigeons. I ran into a friend/co-worker, Scott, and we chatted about the red wings and our upcoming mentor summer job. We shared a few laughs and smiles. After that I ended my adventure, as I stepped back into the ACB.
It was a GREAT Tuesday!
What a gem he is missing, him who hasn't walked Detroit" -BK ~Golden~
Monday, June 8, 2009
Stuffz u should hear!
Doctor Illingsworth beat cd [pure dopeness in my opinion] http://www.zshare.net/download/61021979a7c5d5bb/
http://www.myspace.com/flyeriklbeats [his 14 beat sampler rawx my sawx!]
http://www.8bitpeoples.com/discography [ :melts: tons of delicious 8-bit music!]
thats all 4 now.... hope you enjoy!
Add me on skype: Rasinbrandi
That is all. Goodnight loves ^_^
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Loved Ones
[this is not my entire list, i think I'll just do a few people a day]
Kirby- YAY! That's how Kirby makes me feel. To talk about Kirby, I must first rewind some time. In my youth and much of my early teen years, I was a jovial person. Always perky, always smiling, always optimistic. Then at about the age of 17 I started to encounter some of the sadder parts of life: heartbreak, depression, etc. Then at 19 I encountered even more sadness and problems. I had lost a lot of my jovial self. I had stopped smiling as often.
Then there was Kirby.
Kirby is a slice of sunshine pie. Even though she has had her share of sadness and downfall, she constantly remains perky. Many people think that because a person oftentimes appears happy, that they lack understanding of hardship; they lack a sense of realism; that they can't be taken seriously. WRONG. Kirby is a true example of strength. Despite whatever her personal storms may bring, she always remains a ray of sunshine in the life of others. That takes a lot. She is a selfless woman and is so enthusiastic about life and love! She has taught me how to smile again, even when it is difficult. She is a constant source of illumination in my heart and she is the reason I've been able to install positivity in others! She brought back my smile.
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. --Albert Schweitzer
Danae- Oh chyld! Me and Danae have been through tremendous amounts of things. 2009 marks the 10th year of Danae's presence in my life. Each year has gotten better and better. Danae was and still is my very first TRUE best friend! She was my friend before I was even my own friend. She found value in me before I realized I had any value.
She installed in me confidence of self. Danae has installed in me a greater sense of passion. She made it ok to stand up for myself and stand behind the things and people I love. However the strongest impact Danae has left in my life, is her steady presence. Despite me and Danae encountering fights, arguments and breakdowns; she has shown the power of true friendship. The kind of friendship that grows from the dirt of adversity, and blooms into a beautiful flower. I could write a freakin book on our friendship! I love her dearly, and though we have different perspectives on a lot of things about life, we share a strong bond and an even stronger belief in God.
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. --Proverbs 17:17Patrick- Patrick was my first love. He and I sparingly talk now, but when we do talk I usually thank him for his influence in my life. I strongly believe that all humans have three essential elements: mind, body, soul. A lot of how my mind works has been shaped by Patrick. He gave me the starter tool kit for thinking outside the box. He made it OK for me to venture into thoughts that I previously thought to be forbidden. He opened me up to different views on religion, sexuality, society, etc. In a way, he set me free from my previous religious shackles. He allowed me to see the portion of God in myself and in everyone and everything else in the world. He showed me the value of knowledge and truth. He showed me how doubt could strengthen faith. He taught me that it was OK to question. Without his influence I might have never made the spiritual journey that I've made. In a sense he became a tiny baby Jesus who helped to strengthen my connection to my creator. lol.
Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannot congeal in winter.--James Fenimore Cooper
A true friend is someone that knows the song of your soul, and sings it back to you when you have forgotten the words.—Anonymous
First, rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings,
not on the words;
Second, rely on the teachings,
not on the personality of the teacher;
Third, rely on real wisdom,
not superficial interpretation;
And fourth, rely on the essence of your pure Wisdom Mind,
not on judgmental perceptions.
~The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which it is pouring forth its affections to a few esteemed characters. --Thomas Jefferson~
Saturday, June 6, 2009
A good day
Well actually, rewind again. lol. I'm not sure if a first blog should be like an introductory type thing. But if it should be, then I just fukked up my first blog. [lol] This blog will simply talk about my day...
WHICH RAWKED! [on a simplistic level]
My day started with me waking up at my mother's house (a very rare occurrence). I woke up, and decided that because my mom is such an awesome lady, I'd clean her house. So I got out of bed and started scrubbing and wiping and what have you. Following that, my mother came home with some groceries, so I helped her clean out the fridge and add her new items. Following that i had a home-cooked breakfast of omelet, toast, and bacon (which I decided to only have one slice of). Schweetness. Then I crapped around on facebook and twitter until my girls called (they call just about everyday) I talked to them and actually had a really good convo with my girl Danae. Then I talked to my best male friend, jnorm. He was goin through some things, but it was still good to hear his voice and be there for him.
So we fast forward to about 6pm me and my brother got back to my apartment and had this super awesome convo about people,relationships, sex, sexuality, parents, stupid people, sexy hispanics, God, etc...The conversation reiterated how awesome my brother is, and moreover how SCHWEET of a job our mom did raising us. My family is awesome....
So fast forward some more.......
Me and my brother walked to 1515 Broadway for DSE's 'Do the Right Thing' 20th anniversary event. It was a cool scene. 1515's part owner, Crystal, came up and gave me a big hug, and James, owner of DSE, came and took me and my bro's pic and we all chatted before goin into the show. The vibe was awesome. I love going to Detroit venues and events because there is always an abundance of love. There is some sense of family I have for local artists, venues, poets, etc. I LOVE MY CITY....I'm actually headed to DSE tomorrow to buy another kool shirt.
But you def should check James out: http://dsedetroit.com/
And you should visit crystal @ 1515 Broadway. They're always having open mics, fashion shows, plays and other awesome events.
Yea so after that more smaller awesome things happened...good convos and whatnot...and I lived happily ever after, lol.
so that just about concludes my first blog....nothing spectacular or full of my odd thought process..but I'm sure it'll suffice...
goodnite world! much love! look forward to sharing more random stuff with you :)